Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lunch Time

So today Amber and I went to lunch out in Helper Utah at a little pub called Balance Rock. I have been trying to lose some weight and have been trying to eat healthy more so I choose to stay away from the burgers and go for a simple club sandwich. They call it the Dagwood Club... I dont think it was very healthy but it was tasty!

This is just one half!! I was able to eat about 3/4 of the whole sandwich...

Anyone hungry?


Erica said...

Wow! That is some sandwich! Good for you for trying to eat healthier... I am pretty sure any kind of sandwich is better than a 20oz. steak from Cowboy Club..

Kolt Time 71 said...

I can out eat you any day! bring it on!

Devin and Amber said...

Let do it Kolton!